Taking Responsibility

Becoming a single father at twenty-four is not what most men envision. Unfortunately, after becoming injured on his job, that is exactly what had happened to this young man. After his wife left, he had to begin a new life with their baby alone, as well as taking on the full-time responsibility of caring for his step-son. Taking responsibilities of both a new baby and toddler, while recovering from an injury and off from work, he would soon find his rent and utility was more than he could sustain. He decided to go back to work and no longer wait on disability income. Although he did return to working and would be able to sustain his bills going forward, he had accumulated enough in overdue charges that would lead to a disconnect in his utilities. That’s when he came in to Love INC for help. Love INC was able to help him get his utilities caught up to avoid disconnect. On another positive note, he was also able to locate his stepson’s biological father and reunite the toddler with his biological father and grandma.